September 01, 2006

Lets make this post an interactive one. look at the image on the right and try to think of what emotions come when u look at it. then compare it with my view of it.if yours was different i would love to hear about it

I made this "digital painting"(well this is my blog and i can call my pathetic effort a painting if i want to) when I was feeling especially depressed about the condition India is in nowaday's. It was made a day before Independence Day.This was supposed to represent the Indian youth on two levels:-

1>the flag on the upper level symbolises the patriotism we all claim to have.

2>the " desert" in the background was supposed to symbolise the desertion of our own country by the youth of today instead of fighting for it.

So do express your views about it.


Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan said...

Not desertion..there i have a different opinion. The flag represents the country that was born in the 50s..the concept that the leaders aimed at. The sand is the perfect backdrop - a sign of how much change is there..with each wind, the flag will get distorted further and further away from what itwas meant to be.

Kartik Menon said...

thats a nice way of looking at it...never crossed my mind...

Krupali said...

the yellow made me feel yeh i could relate to th sorta feelings ur talkin bout...for me it evoked a feelin of nostalgia or chaos or bleakness

The Unpaid Analyst said...

waaaaah the lil boy from sahayadri grows up..too good man!! best post till now!!

Dimple said...

I totally agree wid u..
lovely post..keep it up

Anonymous said...

yeah.. the pic more seems something like the youth today have pee-ed on the painting of an indian flag..!!

another one would be that someone's cried a lot over that water colour painting..!!

well but commendable digital work, keep it coming..!!

Anonymous said...

Our Indian flag color which depicted integrity, peace and prosperity seems to be distorted by the (yellow colored) corruption and poverty.If can stop those hurricanes from damaging it further...mabbe we ca regain the lost glory!!

engennious said...

I guess it isnt as bad as it is perceived...Wherever there is high magnitude things take time to evolve...India is a similar case....We are very high in Population and in turn other issues....So this image depicts an Indian Flag getting clearer and clearer day by day....One example is the concern and awareness youth is having (e.g. ur this blog)...So immgae getting clearer..The need of the day is Patience and +ve belief along with the persistance.....

raghu said...

flags breakin away.

Kabba said...
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Kabba said...

U knw if u really soak yerself into the image maybe ull probably discover a mysterious space like entity...In the universe farrr farrr away there are human like beings...but there is no land only space and everything is in orbit revolving aound something...There are human like beings.....these beings are divided into quotas...they are only allowed to revolve around the OBC people, who in turn get access to sunlight and only the sunlight that is filtered from between their legs or the light reflected off them is allowed to fall on the people on the open category...Everyone is ruled by blood-suckin politians human like beings...The quota people are in the center representing the flag.....the rest represent the yellow....think abt it.....Speaking solely of open category peeps including myself, methinks, at this rate, outta the country(flag) and into foriegn land(yellow) will b the only option left!
Well thats what i thought of when i looked at the image...